Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Common Sense Approach to Internet Safety

This short video (produced by Google and Commonsense Media) shows parents and educators some useful tips about internet safety.

Some Tips to help with Google Searches....

Watch this short screencast about better options to use when searching on Google.

Remember to teach your children to become critical users of the internet by following these simple rules:

  • Cross-check information by looking at more than one source. Does the information from the different sources support each other?
  • If students use information from a wiki or blog then they need to back it up from a different type of site (ie not have 3 sources that are all wikis or blogs).
  • Look for information about the site. Is it credible, who runs/owns the site? (Remember that ANYONE can post information on the internet.)

Fascinating YouTube Clip about the Evolution of the Web